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The following is a select bibliography of English-language or translated books encompassing the range of the Martin’s Act at 200, as well as works by interviewees for the audio documentary. It is organized in chronological order of publication. For an expanded list of reading about animal advocacy, visit the online libraries of Kim Stallwood and Tier Im Recht. (Mouseover the titles for links.)
- Primatt, Humphrey. 1776. A Dissertation on the Duty of Mercy and Sin of Cruelty to Brute Animals
- Bentham, Jeremy. 1789. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation
- Wollstonecraft, Mary. 1790. A Vindication of the Rights of Women
- Taylor, Thomas. 1792. A Vindication of the Rights of Brutes
- Lawrence, John. 1796. A Philosophical and Practical Treatise on Horses and on the Moral Duties of Man towards the Brute Creation
- Young, Thomas. 1798. An Essay on Humanity to Animals
- Broome, Rev. Arthur. 1801. “Unjustifiableness of Cruelty to the Brute Creation“
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe. 1813. A Vindication of Natural Diet
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. 1818. Frankenstein
- Crowe, Henry. 1819. Zoophilos: Or, Considerations on the Moral Treatment of Inferior Animals
- Gompertz, Lewis. 1824. Moral Inquiries on the Situation of Man and Brutes
- Alcott, William. 1838. Vegetable Diet
- Gompertz, Lewis. 1851. Fragments in Defense of Animals
- Macaulay, James. 1875. Plea for Mercy to Animals
- Sewell, Anna. 1877. Black Beauty
- Nicholson, Edward. 1879. The Rights of an Animal: A New Essay in Ethics
- Kingsford, Anna. 1881. The Perfect Way in Diet
- Williams, Howard. 1883. The Ethics of Diet
- Salt, Henry. 1886. A Plea for Vegetarianism
- Cobbe, Frances Power. 1889. The Modern Rack: Papers on Vivisection
- Salt, Henry. 1892. Animals’ Rights: Considered in Relation to Social Progress
- Lind af-Hagedy, “Lizzy,” and Leisa Katherine Schartau. 1903. The Shambles of Science: Extracts from the Diary of Two Students of Physiology
- Moore, J. Howard. 1906. The Universal Kinship
- Sinclair, Upton. 1906. The Jungle
- Tolstoy, Leo. 1909. “The First Step“
- Rowley, Francis Harold. 1912. The Humane Idea
- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. 1915. Herland
- Salt, Henry (ed.). 1915. Killing for Sport: Essays by Various Writers
- Kafka, Franz. 1917. “A Report to the Academy“
- Schweitzer, Albert. 1933. Reverence for Life
- Moss, Arthur W., and Elizabeth Kirby. 1947. Animals Were There
- Shaw, George Bernard. 1949. Shaw on Vivisection: Abolish It
- White, E. B. 1952. Charlotte’s Web
- Brophy, Brigid. 1953. Hackenfeller’s Ape
- Gandhi, Mohandas. 1959. The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism
- Harrison, Ruth. 1964. Animal Machines
- Brophy, Brigid. 1965. “The Rights of Animals“
- Turner, E. S. 1965. All Heaven in a Rage
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. 1968. “The Letter Writer“
- Vyvyan, John. 1969. In Pity and In Anger
- Ryder, Richard. 1970. “Speciesism“
- Godlovitch, Stanley, Rosalind Godlovitch, and John Harris (eds.). 1971. Animals, Men, and Morals
- Vyvyan, John. 1971. The Dark Face of Science
- Carson, Gerald. 1972. Men, Beasts and Gods: A History of Cruelty and Kindness to Animals
- Amory, Cleveland. 1974. Man Kind?
- Gregory, Dick. 1974. Dick Gregory’s Natural Diet for Folks Who Eat: Cookin’ with Mother Nature
- Ryder, Richard. 1975. Victims of Science
- Singer, Peter. 1975. Animal Liberation
- Linzey, Andrew. 1976. Animal Rights: A Christian Assessment of Man’s Treatment of Animals
- Singer, Peter, and Tom Regan (eds.) 1976. Animal Rights and Human Obligations
- Adams, Richard. 1977. The Plague Dogs
- Clark, Stephen R. L. 1977. The Moral Status of Animals
- Paterson, David, and Richard Ryder (eds.) 1979. Animals’ Rights: A Symposium
- Singer, Peter, and Jim Mason. 1980. Animal Factories
- Kapleau, Philip. 1981. To Cherish All Life
- Schwartz, Richard. 1982. Judaism and Vegetarianism
- Akers, Keith. 1983. The Vegetarian Sourcebook
- Midgley, Mary. 1983. Animals and Why They Matter
- Regan, Tom. 1983. The Case for Animal Rights
- Lansbury, Coral. 1985. The Old Brown Dog
- Regan, Tom, and Peter Singer (eds.). 1985. In Defense of Animals
- Wynne-Tyson, Jon (ed.). 1985. The Extended Circle
- Walker, Alice. 1986. “Am I Blue?“
- Masri, Al-Hafiz B. A. 1987. Islamic Concern for Animals
- Ritvo, Harriet. 1987. The Animal Estate
- Spiegel, Marjorie. 1988. The Dreaded Comparison
- Adams, Carol J. 1989. The Sexual Politics of Meat
- Gaard, Greta. 1993. Ecofeminism: Women, Animals, and Nature
- Finsen, Lawrence, and Susan Finsen. 1994. The Animal Rights Movement in the United States
- Coe, Sue. 1996. Dead Meat
- Kean, Hilda. 1998. Animal Rights: Political and Social Change in Britain Since 1800
- Coetzee, J. M. 1999. The Lives of Animals
- Radford, Mike. 2001. Animal Welfare in Britain
- Patterson, Charles. 2001. Eternal Treblinka: Animals and the Holocaust
- Spencer, Colin. 2001. The Heretic’s Feast: A History of Vegetarianism
- Derrida, Jacques. 2002. The Animal That Therefore I Am
- Phillips, Peter. 2003. Humanity Dick: The Eccentric Member for Galway
- Regan, Tom. 2004. Empty Cages: Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights
- Francione, Gary. 2005. Animals, Property, and the Law
- Stuart, Tristram. 2006. The Bloodless Revolution
- Kheel, Martin. 2007. Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective
- Foer, Jonathan Safran. 2009. Eating Animals
- Harper, A. Breeze, (ed.). 2010. Sistah Vegan
- Donaldson, Sue, and Will Kymlicka. 2013. Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights
- Stallwood, Kim. 2014. Growl
- Milligan, Tony. 2015. Nobody Owns the Moon: The Ethics of Space Exploitation
- Ko, Aph, and Syl Ko. 2017. Aphro-ism
- Taylor, Sunaura. 2017. Beasts of Burden: Animal and Disability Liberation
- Fudge, Erica. 2018. Quick Cattle and Dying Wishes: People and Their Animals in Early Modern England
- Korsgaard, Kristin. 2018. Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals
- Deckha, Maneesha. 2020. Animals as Legal Beings: Contesting Anthropocentric Legal Orders
- Donald, Diana. 2020. Women Against Cruelty
- Cowie, Helen. 2021. Victims of Fashion: Animal Commodities in Victorian Britain
- Owen, Paula. 2021. Little Brown Dog
- Quinn, Emilia. 2021. Reading Veganism: The Monstrous Vegan, 1818 to Present
- Nussbaum, Martha. 2022. Justice for Animals: Our Collective Responsibility